The 10th anniversary of Time Warp in March 2004 marked a peak in the history of electronic dance music in Germany. After 10 years, the most successful event series Time Warp will be undergoing some structural changes and will thus broaden its musical and cultural scope in the next few years. With TDK Recoding Media Europe, cosmopop has found a strong partner to share the vision of a new and extraordinary shape of event. In association with TDK Recording Media, we will develop the logical progression of the previous Time Warp conception. The motto of TDK Time Warp is colours of rhythm. One of the key values of Time Warp is “rhythm”, which is also the underlying power of a creative life style. “rhythm” links people all over the world. “colours” refers to the different sides and aspects of modern life. TDK Time Warp colours of rhythm sees itself as a culture festival of the future and calls to individuals who can feel the rhythm inside themselves and who are associated with the endless diversity of an electronic life style culture.
On Saturday, 2nd of April 2005, the first step into the future will be taken. In addition to the well established Party, TDK Time Warp will branch out into other inspiring fields. Warp Records will perform a show case in a Mannheim museum. A location which represents the structural change of TDK Time Warp and gives host to another new feature of the event: multi media art installations. The selected items will all have one thing in common; they will have a strong reference to music and technological innovation, the core values of TDK Time Warp. Furthermore, TDK Time Warp will offer a special area for record labels to present their talents and sell their products to customers and a business-to-business lounge for the music industry. The several zones will all be labelled by their own “colour”. On the following pages, you will be given detailed information on the programme of TDK Time Warp colours of rhythm.
The event Time Warp
Time Warp is both a very popular and authentic event brand in Germany and well known in European neighbour countries. The third year in a row, Time Warp is voted best German indoor party 2003.
The Changes
After its 10 years anniversary celebration in 2004, the successful event series Time Warp will transform itself into a new form of event in the next few years. In association with TDK Recording Media, we intend to enrich the existing outline of Time Warp and base it onto four fundamentals in the future:
The planned transformation processes can only work gradually, step by step over the next few years. TDK Time Warp can envision the
following content for the four fundamentals to be implemented in the next few years :
Media Art and Design> Exhibition area for media art, exhibition of design furniture, collaboration with universities for art content, platform for new talents to exhibit their works; co-operation with students from the ZKM Karlsruhe (Center for Media Arts);
Music industry meeting point > Space for the music industry to present their products to consumers, meeting point to interchange ideas, possibility for customers to get in touch with artists, b-to-b meeting point
Micro Scenes > International video game community (media entertainment has a close link to electronic music), lomo graphy, robot arts and sports
Music Party > The existing musical spectrum with different new and innovative styles, collaboration with the Pop Academy Mannheim. Show cases as pool to develop new artist
The first steps in 2005:
SIDE VENUE! : Planned Warp Records show case in a museum in Mannheim as an additional venue to TDK Time Warp
SIDE VENUE! : “Robotlab”: experience station and art installations with industry robots to highlight the relation between human beings and machines.
Main Venue!: Record Labels present themselves in small exhibition and merchandise area
Main Venue! :Existing Music Event enriched with new areas
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, 2nd of April 2005
1] Maimarkthalle Mannheim – Exhibition fair, Mannheim; with 3-4 different dance floors, label camp, art exhibition
2] Further location in Mannheim for a record label and
multimedia showcase. In addition, several art
installations will be exhibited such as a the “robot
lab” One ticket for both venues or single ticket for show case in Museum. Visitors expected: 15.000
Timo Maas
Sven Vaeth
Dave Clarke
Marco Bailey
Monika Kruse
Richie Hawtin
Chris Liebing
Pascal FEOS
Ricardo Villalobos
Toni Rios
Wighnomy Brothers
Alter Ego
Marc Bean
Leila Abu-Er-Rub
Warp Records SHOW CASE
There will be a Warp Records
Show Case in further location in
Mannheim. Show comprises: Artist performance, sounds, films, and Visuals
Label Camp
TDK Time Warp offers space for record labels and media to present their talent and sell their products to customers. At no extra charge TDK Time Warp will provide booths, stall space and electricity. All labels and media present will gain access to an exclusive b2b lounge located close to the label fair. Applicants should use the application form. One idea is to install there terminals where guests can download tracks and burn them on a CD. A special program will also let guests create remixes and burn them on a CD. This could also be linked to a contest. Another possibility is also a VJ-mixing terminal, maybe using TDK Time Warp live footage. will cover the event (afterwords) in Words and Pics.
22 February 2005
Wel cool hoor die nieuwe richting die ze uit gaan. In dat label camp kunnen wel leuke goodies worden gekocht denk ik. Wel jammer dat die Warp showcase dus niet bij de Maimarkthallen is. Vraag me af of er misschien busjes tussen de locaties rijden ofzo. Hoe dan ook zal het ongetwijfeld weer een van de beste feesten van het jaar worden. Vorig jaar was legendarisch, zeker met stip het beste indoor feest! Krijg nog kippevel als ik terugdenk aan de marathonset van Hawtin op het ongeloofelijke soundsystem van Timewarp! Ik heb er zin iiiiiiiiiiiiin!

22 February 2005
Is die readership poll van Groove magazine voor 2004 eigenlijk al bekend? Ik kan echt niet wachten op dit feest! Zoooo veel zin!

Wel een dag er voor weer een r2r in de Robert Johnson wat toch wel in mijn top3 beste feesten van vorig jaar staat. Wat een set…. krijg er nog de rillingen van.
Maarja, dat is voor Hawtin en Villalobos gewoon de generale repetitie voor Time Warp!
8 March 2005
wheheh zie je je zelf al zitten met je koekwauze hoofd de hele tijd heen een weer rijden tussen die label cases ergens midden in de stad ofzo en weer terug naar het feest
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