Binnen de techno scene is consternatie ontstaan. Puff Daddy heeft bekend gemaakt een techno album uit te gaan brengen. Binnen de techno-scene is het "bling-bling" gehalte niet zo hoog, bij de vriend van de overleden Eastcoast rapper Biggie is dit wel zo. We kennen allemaal de clips van Mtv met de grote auto's wel.
Hieronder vinden jullie het nieuws artikel wat is verschenen op, hoe kan het ook anders,
For the past year, P. Diddy has been working on a electro-fueled dance-rap hybrid album, and he's hired some of the biggest names in independent electronic music to produce the disc.
One of his main collaborators is Felix Da Housecat, who wrote 12 songs, four or five of which will make the final cut, Felix said. Other producers include Les Rythmes Digitales, Timo Maas, DJ Hell and Zoot Woman, each of whom color Diddy's world with clattering beats and delirious samples.
"Puff likes that tech bangin' stuff," Felix said. "But it's not soulless and it really has a groove. It's definitely him, and it has a gangsta sound that he brings to it."
While Diddy has never dabbled in European-flavored electronic dance music before, he came into the project with no lack of knowledge. He's listened to loads of underground records and has attended electronic music festivals, including the Winter Music Conference in Miami, where last year he studied up on the numerous hot DJs, noting what he liked and what he didn't.
"He knows cheese from credible, which really shocked me," Felix said. "He wants straight, edgy music. The beats are really stripped-down and raw, and he's totally into it. We were in Ibiza together, and when I played, he jumped on the stage and there were like 5,000 people going crazy to this bangin' stuff I was playing. He's seeing that, and he's like, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is where I want to take it.' "
But while much of the still-untitled album will be upbeat and frantic, Felix said there'll also be some emotive, down-tempo numbers. Diddy likely will bring a number of guest singers into his studio in the coming weeks, but he's also doing vocals himself, and it's not what his fans are used to hearing from the rap Renaissance man.
"It's sort of like rapping, but it's so hard to explain," Felix said. "It's definitely capturing his personality and his vibe in dance, so he's not changing himself. He says, 'I want something sexy and gangsta,' so that's what we did."
Felix tested one of the songs, "Jack You," in front of 25,000 people at the Big Day Out festival in Australia. Diddy played it in a much smaller club, and both were pleased by the response.
"I think 'cuz our worlds are so different, we're able to create some really great stuff," Felix said. "People have tried to merge dance music with hip-hop, but it's never really been accomplished or finished right. That was definitely the biggest test for me."
13 February 2004
Hmm, ik ben in ieder geval benieuwd laten we het zo zeggen…

Ik ben toevallig sinds kort fan van Zoot Woman dus ik wil die samenwerking wel eens horen
Paul Bergenh.
13 February 2004
stel je voor… Felix staat te draaien op IBIZA en Diddy komt wat vocals doen. Tuurlijk dat die 5000 mensen het cool vinden… nogal logisch. En JA, het is echt wat anders. maar NEE het lijkt mij niks.
13 February 2004
hier wordt ik nou misselijk van…
Paul Bergenh.
13 February 2004
monk: zoals mijn broertje zei:
laat die papa scheet maar mooi met zn blingblong en zn kingkonggezellen op TV blaten en stoere moves vertonen als in "yeahyeah" en "yoho" (whatever that may be), ook kut dat gasten als The housecat en Dj Hell zich hiermee inlaten… wat krijg je dan?? een technoplaat met vocals van PD… gatverdamme…
13 February 2004
Tsja weet niet wat ik hier van vind. Opzich heeft ie vast wel verstand van muziek maken, en er zou wel een vernieuwend geluid uit kunnen komen, maar waar paul het ook al over heeft, dat "bling-bling" gehalte staat mij helemaal niet aan…

Maarja de tijd zal het leren.. ben wel benieuwd naar wat ik me moet voorstellen bij een "electro-fueled dance-rap hybrid album".
13 February 2004
Zoot Woman wil ik ook graag horen, ze zouden eerst in Tivoli op 9 februari staat, maar dat is nu verplaatst geloof ik. Vette band in ieder geval!
Over Puff Doddy, Pimp Duddy of hoe die gast ook heet, ik geef hem een kans. Misschien is het wel vet, ik kan nog niet oordelen totdat ik iets gehoord heb.
Paul Bergenh.
14 February 2004
ben al blij dat er geen "obstipatie" meer staat… consternatie: spreek uit constinatie
Paul Bergenh.
16 February 2004
16 February 2004
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