The six-week voting period for clubbers and dance music lovers around the world to rank their favourite DJs has officially begun. The voting has already taken off in earnest as visitors flood to place their votes in the poll that can make or break a DJ's career. With competition hotter than ever this year, and DJs pulling all sorts of tricks to keep their position in the 100, it looks like 2004's contest is going to be one of the most interesting and hotly contested to date.
Every year, dance music lovers from around the world choose which DJs they rate worthy of a ranking amongst the elite. Only 100 names from the thousands of jocks out there will make the grade, and the choice is entirely yours. The poll is widely respected because it gives a clear indication of which DJs are currently most popular with the people that count - the clubbers.
Last year we received a record-breaking 61,529 votes through this website from 120 different countries, and all expectations are for 2004's total to be even bigger. Tiesto took the number one spot for the second year running then, but will he be able to hold on again, or will another big trance contender like Armin van Buuren or Paul van Dyk take the crown? Prefer to see more drum & bass, hard house or hip hop DJs make the 100? Just cast your vote - you guys make it all happen.
Many DJs and their fans launch canvassing campaigns to attract votes, and this all adds to the razzmatazz of the event. However, please remember that trying to enter more than once is cheating and if our computer doesn't catch you, our eagle-eyed poll compilers will. We will ensure this remains a fair and democratic contest.
Paul Bergenh.
6 September 2004
PaulusP's vote:
1. Josh Wink
2. Remy
3. Steve Rachmad
4. 100% Isis
5. Ellen Allien
6 September 2004
1) Ricardo Villalobos

2) Bart Skils
3) Luciano
4) Richie Hawtin
5) Secret Cinema
Bij deze heren heb ik me toch het best vermaakt dit jaar
Alessandro Schiffer
6 September 2004
Vote for
Eh Eh
1. Sven Vàth
2. Richie Hawtin
3. Frank Lorber
4. Heiko Laux
5. Alessandro Schiffer (Naturally)
Alexander Martens
6 September 2004
1. Sven Vath
2. Remy
3. Dreazz
4. Acid Junkies
5. Armin van Buuren
6 September 2004
Hawtin, Wink, Koze, Villa, Rachmad
6 September 2004
villalobos, Josh Wink, Hawtin, Tief Schwarz, Martini bros
7 September 2004
FF denken, volgens mij had ik
Richie Hawtin
Josh Wink
Bart Skils (support your local heroes!)
Cari Lekebusch
Paul Bergenh.
7 September 2004
Chris, geen Magda?
7 September 2004
Ja shit die stond er ook in..
dan denk ik dat is sasha er uiteindelijk niet in heb gedaan omdat er al genoeg mensen op stemmen….
Paul Bergenh.
7 September 2004
leuk om te zien dat WINK zo geintegreerd is! Hij draait binnenkort ergens in Belige, alleen dat is op een woensdag avond
7 September 2004
Wink heeft zich bij mij onsterfelijk gemaakt in de Geplöckel Kammer! Ook 20 to 20 is om te smullen! Woensdag in voor mij geen probleem hoor Paulus, donderdagen toch vrij
7 September 2004
Ja wilde het net zeggen… Zal zeker met Soulcialism te maken hebben… Frank? waarom staat ie er bij jou niet in??
7 September 2004
Frank vond de Geplöckel Kammer een tikkie te claustrofobisch! Heeft ergens anders gestaan het grootste gedeelte. Zonde heur!
7 September 2004
Heb niet genoeg van 'm gehoord om 'm echt goed te vinden! En hij heeft de irritantste plaat allertijden op z'n naam staan
7 September 2004
Which is…. ????
Paul Bergenh.
7 September 2004
denk dat Frank "don't laugh" bedoeld
7 September 2004
Higher State Of Consciousness
7 September 2004
1. Richie Hawtin

2. Magda
3. Tiefschwarz
4. The Hacker
5. Ricardo Villalobos
7 September 2004
1. Sven Vath
5. K.Cee
7 September 2004
ja FRANK erg jammer HOOR, als je ff vol had gehouden in dat spookhuis had dat zeker je stem positief over Wink kunnen beinvloeden
7 September 2004
Don't laugh is echt heel irri idd ja!
8 September 2004
'IRRI' is pas irriTANT…
8 September 2004
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