Na de zomer komt Dial T For Techno met en 3 daags outdoor event. de Leidse 3 oktober bevrijdingsfeesten zullen worden opgeschud door 3 dagen heftige techno klanken! Maar liefst 2,3 en 4 oktober komt AM-Produktions met een open podium in de Leidse binnenstad!
After the summer, Dial T for Techno will be back again with a booming three day party that will shake up the city!
The 3rd of October is traditionally the date on which Leiden celebrates her liberation of the Spaniards in the 80-year war. This historical fact took place in the year 1574 in the night of October the 3rd.
In the present time, Leiden still celebrates this event by turning the city centre into one big party for two days and two nights. Leiden holds the 2nd biggest fair of Holland on these dates and everywhere in the city there are stages with bands and DJ’s to provide music for all people, young and old!
This year, AM-Produktions will take this opportunity to give the people in Leiden what they have been asking for years. An all Techno outdoor stage in the centre of the city!
Together with Café De Waaghals in “De Beschuitsteeg” which is a left turn alley of the Nieuwe Rijn, AM-Produktions will set up a stage that will blow your mind!
With a big sound system, a fantastic lightshow, a roofed-over area of 40 square meters and many, MANY big national and international DJ’s and acts. Saturday the 2nd Sunday the 3rd and Monday the 4th of October will be all about (Dial T for) Techno!!
Why the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October? Well, because the 3rd of October is on a Sunday, which is a Christian resting day, all the traditional festivities that normally take place on that date will move to Monday the 4th of October. However, the normal activities like the fair and the music has the opportunity to do their thing the whole day until 10 pm. So this year we have one extra day of party! Saturday the 2nd we party from 7 pm till 2 am and Monday from early in the afternoon till 1 am.
The line-up and further in formation for this event will be announced in the coming months, keep checking our website and subscribe to our mailinglist to stay updated
8 June 2004
Paul Bergenh.
8 June 2004
HEEL VET DIT! en MC Marxman vindt vast wel een leuk oplossing om "Beschuitsteeg" op z'n Engels uit te spreken
8 June 2004
Leiduh de gekstuh?
Paul Bergenh.
8 June 2004
3 oktober juh, das toch haaring met wittuhbroojd?
8 June 2004
And now, live in the beskaitsteegk! Marxmann homo!
Paul Bergenh.
8 June 2004
hahaha, MC MARXMAN! waarom is hij ook'weer weg bij UDC?
8 June 2004
8 June 2004
Doe mij maar MC Boelen!
Hoevelakuuuuuhhhh, das pas gekkigheid…
8 June 2004
9 June 2004
Als het goed is komt Boelen wel, maar niet om te mc-en!
Paul Bergenh.
9 June 2004
mc boelen dj-set?
en zoals MC Styles zei: It's a Leiden thing, it's Leiden thing!!!
9 June 2004
Ben benieuwd naar de line-up! Drie dagen feest geeft genoeg mogelijkheden voor interessante namen
9 June 2004
Wie weet wel MC PaulusP, in da place to be!!!
Paul Bergenh.
9 June 2004
MC PaulusP, with the P like the Y in DJ RemY and the double E @ the end of crocodile DundEE
9 June 2004
Je bent nu al mijn held!
17 June 2004
Klein tipje van de line-up sluier opgelicht
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