Na 7,5 jaar zal Michel de Hey stoppen met zijn wekelijkse Future optredens in de Nighttown. Door zijn drukke schema binnen en buiten Holland heeft Michel besloten dat het tijd is om verder te kijken.
In de laatste maand zal Billy Nasty (11 april) te gast zijn, net als op de allereerste Future. De laatste Future met Michel de Hey (18 april) zal hij, zeer toepasselijk, een solo-set van 7,5 uur neerzetten.

After 7,5 years Michel de Hey will stop his weekly Future residency in Nighttown in Rotterdam. Due to his busy dj schedule in and outside of Holland Michel has decided that it is time to move on. However it has been a great time so it needs a great goodbye. The month of April will be the final Future month. On the 4th of April there will be a residency/ roots of the Future night with the following dj’s, Jay Samuel, Nick K, Chord Symbols, Alfredo, Benny Rodrigues, Rogier, Michel Steinbach, Edwin Bazen.
On the 11th of April Michel will play together with Billy Nasty as he was the first ever guestdj to play in the Future.
The final night will be the 18th of April, Michel will play 7,5 hours solo to finish of his 7,5 year weekly residency. Michel hopes everybody will be there to relive the special nights he had and to thank everybody in person who has been a part of the Future.
Nighttown and Michel are thinking of maybe doing one off special Future events in the near future……..