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Cologne, Germany, producer Robert Babicz's most recognized and accomplished alias, Rob Acid churned out a cycle of influential techno records in the late '90s that established him as one of Germany's top techno producers. Before adopting the Rob Acid moniker, Babicz released a number of dancefloor-orientated acid techno 12"s as Acid Warrior and Department of Dance on his Junkfood Records label. After putting out a few releases as Rob Acid, though, Babicz stuck with the name and attained considerable recognition, resulting in an affiliation with Europe's largest and widest-reaching techno label, Force Inc. There, Babicz released a number of Rob Acid records, while also branching out to release more ambient and experimental recordings under his own name and also some lighter, more accessible techno as Atlon, Inc. Other Rob Acid records appeared on London, Labworks (Colone Acid Science Trax), Important, and Generator, among other labels like Treibstoff.