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Electronic Data Processing is a french duo composed by artists & producers Sebastien Bromberger and Laurent Cristofol.
Sebastien Bromberger is the co-owner of the french techno label Modelisme, distributed through Kompakt (Köln, Germany).
With a early passion for industrial sounds influences and electronic body music, Sebastien Bromberger has been logically focused later on electronic music. As the years go by, he's got a solid and various musical background that permits to offer in his dj sets and productions a certain and rare eclectism.
Always defined as a precursor of minimal sounds in the south of France, Sebastien likes also proposing house, techouse, techno variations, claiming more a state of mind and a certain musical integrity than a precise style.
Always looking for symbiosis with people above all, Sebastien reveals his talent on all dancefloors. From clubs to shelters, from intimate ambiances to big festives assemblies, Sebastien asserts himself since 1993 in France {Rex club, Batofar, Le Pulp, Mezzanine de l’Alcazar, Nouveau Casino, Fiesta des suds…} and Europe {Studio 672 in Koln, Golden Pudel in Hamburg, Barcelone…}.
Resident dj since 1998 on Radio Grenouille, a french independant radio from Marseille, he presents his « EDP Sessions » where he proposes his various selections and moods.
Since 1999, he has founded the duo Electronic Data Processing [E.D.P] with Laurent Cristofol for his musical productions. EDP signed about ten maxis on european labels such as Mosaïc [UK], Neutone Music, Tritone [Ger], Wicked Music [Jack de Marseille’s label], Obsession [Fra]…
In 2001, Sebastien Bromberger and Laurent Cristofol have created their own label Modelisme where they signed the firstfour maxis.
Modelisme has joined since its fifth release KOMPAKT (famous german label and distributor managed by Mike Ink, Michael Mayer… ) for its worldwide distribution.
For the beginning of this year, Sebastien signs always under E.D.P the 9th maxi entitled « So Close, so far » where techouse takes its real signification.
« Close to me » is the first CD production of Modelisme that he selected and mixed.
As an extract of his musical emotions, this compilation gathers some of the productions of the best european artists and labels from the minimal underground scene of these pasts months.