The Galoppierende Zuversicht project was established, for all intents and purposes, as a strong stage performance. Consequently, no computers and Styro2000 (Marcel Ackerknecht) and Bang Goes’ (Roland Widmer) stubborn disposition regarding recording in the studio are a direct result of their goal of achieving the “livest” conditions possible for their sound.
With their exhilarating performance, these celebrated producers from Zurich send a message to the detractors of an electronic genre described principally as static. Galoppierende Zuversicht employs only sequencers and other homemade instruments in their performances, which for three years now has excited audiences at numerous European festivals. Now it’s your turn to feel the effects of this performance and “Gallop Confidently” with them.
Paradiso, Amsterdam
19 July 2005
Vette minimal dit:
19 July 2005
weer een nieuw setje dus?!
19 July 2005
Nee dit is wel dezelfde, maar voor de mensen die hem nog niet hadden.
19 July 2005
pfff had ik hem bijna dubbel

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