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PATRICK CHARDRONNET is a young and very talented producer based in the south of Germany near Stuttgart. Up til now he released a 12" ("Ledge") on Raum…Musik which has been featured on Stebe Bug's "Bugnology" mix-CD and contributed "Just For A Little Peek" to "Poker Flat Volume Four". He also is the production nerd for all things Afrilounge (www.afrilounge.de), a Stuttgart based unit with whom Patrick teamed up for his first Poker Flat single "Phonix" (pfr57). Another milestone have been his brilliant remixes for Martin Landsky's "FM Safari" (pfr54). AFRILOUNGE stands for the vision of Pure House and Electronic Music which is eagerly pursued by these three guys. Their dj performance creates a musical caleidoscope from underground tunes to freaked out dance music. Their sound is represented by various styles rooted in house music, covering such different facettes from minimal techno to electrobeats. AFRILOUNGE consists of Eduard Hartter aka. ED HEART, Richard Rotfuß aka. RICHARD LIAPIN and Markus Liefke aka. LIEFKO. Even if the musical backgrounds are rather different, they easily combine them in their activities as djs and producers in a unique way. During their long vitae as djs, they' ve been privileged to play with some of the best djs in the world.
Chardronnet vs Afrilounge