TodaysArt, International Festival for Art, Music & Technology (the international result of two successful CultuurNacht events) is the annual trend-setting, innovative and adventurous newcomer in the Dutch festival scene and one of the major festivals of The Generator Foundation.

Since it was founded in 2002, this festival has aimed to present topical and innovative achievements in multiple disciplines, both in the most advanced and tentative sense. This formula leaves room for productions and makers who have demonstrated their abilities and already made their name, as well as audacious and unknown artistic expressions who are often young and (still) undiscovered.

:)AtriumDigitale tennisDigitale tennisTodaysArtTodaysArtTodaysArtTodaysArtMillegommeOnbetwist uw bandenspecialist!MillegommeDJ @ MillegommeMillegommeTodaysArtTodaysArtTodaysArtTodaysArtDJ Grazhoppa's BigbandDJ Grazhoppa's BigbandDJ Grazhoppa's BigbandDJ Grazhoppa's BigbandTodaysArtBerlijn documantaire @ FilmhuisBITCH Pitch controlBerlijn documantaire @ FilmhuisSpatial sounds (100db bij 100km)TodaysArtTodaysArtTodaysArtStaalplaat SoundsystemStaalplaat SoundsystemStaalplaat SoundsystemStaalplaat SoundsystemStaalplaat SoundsystemGyrosscoop speakerGyrosscoop speakerTodaysArtPaardPaardDJ DameDJ DameAlexander RobotnickAlexander RobotnickAlexander RobotnickHeldAlexander Robotnick