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1998Freude-am-Tanzen Recordings /// "Spatz" has the idea for a label since 1994 /// December 1998 - our first release FAT001 "four sexy tracks" was pressed 350 times with a consecutive numbering /// first distributor - Container in Hamburg
1999FAT002 was produced with tracks from Gabor, Mr. Tanzmann & colleagues /// we were looking for a new distributor /// with a Peugeot 106 and 700 records on the way to Discomania - our new distributor /// FAT002 was sold out all of a sudden /// the Wighnomy FAT002 track "Summertime" was licensed for the DISCOTHEQUE 6 compilation /// a call from Kompakt in Cologne /// a feeling of comfort /// FAT002 re-release by Kompakt /// sold 1200 times /// new distributor Kompakt in Cologne
2000Remixes of FAT003 "Summertime" released /// Marcho's FAT002 remix track is licensed for the compilation German House Suite 2 CD (LOST VEGAS)
2001a mysterious Italy-fever is going around /// FAT004 is released in italian style /// the Wighnomy's FAT004 track "la collazione" is licensed for INHOUSE & EXTREME COUCHING II (EFA) CD compilation
the run for the gold - FAT005 Golden Eldorado remix-project has been planned /// Gabor and Marcho are founding the FAT Kooperative /// sun in june - our first music video with lovely boys & girls is shot in pink rooms /// FAT005 is released in a golden flavour
Fatplastics - the Freude-am-Tanzen recordstore in Jena is inaugurated
collaboration with Frankman for FAT006 /// Gabor and Marcho define the expression "Raumfahrermusik" (astronaut-music) /// FAT006 "Raumpatrouille" (space patrol) is released /// the Wighnomy's FAT006 track "down" is licensed for the German House Suite 3 CD compilation (LOST VEGAS)
the Wighnomy's get recruitment - the lovely Mrs. Delhia /// first live-acts at the Distillery in Leipzig and at the Kassablanca in Jena
2002the magic FAT007 - the dream of "Spatz" /// "Fort Knox" - it's all about Mr. Bond /// they are all aboard - Glamour Deluxe with Pussy Galore
the Wighnomy's FAT009 track "i miss you babe" is licensed for EFA's INHOUSE II CD compi
contacts to Finland /// FAT008 "Boys from Finland" is released /// Sassa aka Freestyle Man & Mr. Tapani Tolpanniemi feat. Grekori are aboard
Musik Krause /// a new wonderful Freude-am-Tanzen music sublabel is established ///
the first "click house" release has been produced by Metaboman
5 years Wighnomy Brothers /// WB club tour 2002 has rocked at different cities
Steve Parish - now DJ CARLSEN BASU - has found a musical fusion with Metaboman
to unique KRAUSE DUO NR.2
Musik Krause Tracks are licensed for Kompakt`s Triple R & Schaffelfieber 2 CD
Rockin` Acts 2002 @ Kassablanca - Jori Hulkkonen, Louie Austin, DJ Koze - endless happiness!
2003Klanglauf Sessions has founded by Gera Uptown boy Mathias Kaden /// fresh music
boys are ready for FAT - Hemmann & Kaden have released FAT016 & FAT018
Wruhme`s MK006 "Kopfnikker" has smashed into the charts /// BBCworldwide has played
tracks by Metaboman & has licensed "Kommse" on Gilles Peterson GP03CD
"Bodyrock" / "Kopfnikker" / "Rausgeflogen EP" are burning into the German Groove Charts
Wruhme has done remixes for Märtini Brös. / Tekel / SCSI9 / MosFerry / Commercial Breakup
Label journey to SONAR 2003 / Playing at Studio 672 Köln / Flex Wien / Click HH / WMF Berlin /
Le Fonque / Noveau Casino Paris / Nachtdigital Festival & Sonne Mond Sterne Festival 2003
5 years of Freude-am-Tanzen Rec. & 2 years of Fatplastics Recordstore /// removal into a bigger office /// cubeman Veiter is the new assistance at recordstore /// Oliver Goldt is our new lyricist
the Merchandise "wave" is rollin` checkless /// FAT pillows, handbags, danish recordbags, feltbags and Musik Krause cubes
Robag Wruhme has began the work at his new album which will be released in 2004 …
Wignomy Brothers (aka Robag Wruhme & Monkey Maffia)
Metabo Man
Krause Duo Nr. 2
c/o Booking
Schillergässchen 5
07745 Jena / Germany