Me Working at Piknic (low resolution)


  • Paul Bergenh.

    Paul Bergenh.

    10 July 2005

    you call that working? :punk:

  • Swinger

    11 July 2005

    I know you! Maybe you remember i was standing next to you the last day at Mutek making pictures of the artists. I was the tall guy with the backpack. I also was at the picnick making a picture of you as "one of the party people" :D

  • suz

    11 July 2005

    I know you! Maybe you remember i was standing next to you the last day at Mutek making pictures of the artists. I was the tall guy with the backpack. I also was at the picnick making a picture of you as "one of the party people" :D

    There were many backpacks – probably filled with booze too :)

    I'd love a copy of the pic!


  • suz

    12 July 2005

    you call that working? :punk:

    hahhaa.. best job ever, huh?


  • Swinger

    15 July 2005

    No but im like the talest guy around there i mean indoor the finalnight with with melchior productions and pheek. i thought maybe you remember. Ill send the pic asap.

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