Jeeez vaag setje!! Maar wel lachen! Rare MC's en weer eens een keer een ander blik samples opengetrokken! Als je af en toe het publiek hoort gaat het wel los! Gekke Duitsers…
24 October 2005
excusez moi. Ze moeten nog gespeeld worden, over een kleine 2 weken:
If you make no attempt to consciously make disparate records "fit" together (no, layering the intro and outro of two different tracks does not count); You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you haven't spent more than 2 years of performing for free in shit-hole bars, with shitty equipment, shitty sound, and/or disrespectful and disinterested clientele; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you play less than 15 tracks or "songs" during a 1 hour set; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you make no attempt to alter the sound or structure of any of the music that you play (often referred to as "letting the track speak for itself"); You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you use a "request list", or if one hangs outside the DJ booth that you are performing in; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If it takes you the duration of the track to mix the next record, You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you don't play vinyl records; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you are a woman, and you regularly perform topless; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you don't break a sweat while practicing your craft; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you don't have an extensive knowledge of the history of the music that you are playing; You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If any (1) of these criteria apply to you, you are not a DJ, please stop calling yourself "DJ Your Name Here". Stop it. Really. You are, at best, a fucking human jukebox. You are making the real DJs who've established this standard and built the time honored tradition look silly. Have some fucking respect.
26 October 2005
De man maakt wel echt gruwelijke fouten, beetje jammer. Platen zijn leuk. Is het een remix van Claude von Stroke - Deep throat op 51 minuten?
26 October 2005
Chris: ik had het zaterdag over het label Highgrade, waarvan 26 en 27 goed te doen zijn:
Highgrade 26 B1
Highgrade 27 A1
26 October 2005
En tot slot:
Guido Schneider @ NAME festival 20-10-2005
26 October 2005
Filmpje van Reinhardt Voigt @ Kompakt night
Reinhardt Voigt @ Kompakt night
26 October 2005
Martin Landsky @ Harry Klein club 14-10-2005
deel 1
deel 2
26 October 2005
Setjes van Voltt (22 oktober 2005)
Bart Skils @ Voltt
Kostas Hom @ Voltt
Wighnomy Brothers @ Voltt deel1
Wighnomy Brothers @ Voltt deel2
26 October 2005
3 uur lang mooie plaatjes van kompakts held saurbier
Jo Saurbier - live @ LustundFreude 15-10-2005
26 October 2005

luke slater 2 plaatjes onder uitgebracht..
hier te looien
check die andere ook
Morganistic - Fluids Amniotic
check hier samples echt niet normaal wat n vette plaat, alle 8 gewoon
good old luke
25 October 2005
Hawtin @ Masonic 08:10 wat een fijn plaatje is dat toch!!!!! Iemand???
24 October 2005
Jeeez vaag setje!! Maar wel lachen! Rare MC's en weer eens een keer een ander blik samples opengetrokken! Als je af en toe het publiek hoort gaat het wel los! Gekke Duitsers…HmZ
24 October 2005
24 October 2005
Ben ik nou zo kippig??
24 October 2005
Dwarsfluit accordeon minimal:
22 October 2005
7 livesets van o.a. Apparat, Solvent, Arovane, Zorn
21 October 2005
cool zeker checke
20 October 2005
Setje van Tractile die getipt worden door Heartthrob in het interview van Kwab
Tractile live @ Mechanical Pulse 12 aug. 2005
20 October 2005
Drie kwartier Troy Pierce van vorige week.
Warmup voor Voltt!
Troy @ NAME festival
arie de kippenboer
19 October 2005
kinders voor minimal
19 October 2005
hmja… dus chris waag t niet !
19 October 2005
The Linder criteria for what makes a DJ
If you make no attempt to consciously make disparate records "fit" together (no, layering the intro and outro of two different tracks does not count);
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you haven't spent more than 2 years of performing for free in shit-hole bars, with shitty equipment, shitty sound, and/or disrespectful and disinterested clientele;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you play less than 15 tracks or "songs" during a 1 hour set;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you make no attempt to alter the sound or structure of any of the music that you play (often referred to as "letting the track speak for itself");
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you use a "request list", or if one hangs outside the DJ booth that you are performing in;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If it takes you the duration of the track to mix the next record,
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you don't play vinyl records;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you are a woman, and you regularly perform topless;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you don't break a sweat while practicing your craft;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If you don't have an extensive knowledge of the history of the music that you are playing;
You are not a DJ, stop referring to yourself as such.
If any (1) of these criteria apply to you, you are not a DJ, please stop calling yourself "DJ Your Name Here". Stop it. Really. You are, at best, a fucking human jukebox. You are making the real DJs who've established this standard and built the time honored tradition look silly. Have some fucking respect.
©2005 Thomas C. Linder
18 October 2005
Ik heb die hele set niet! Dat is wat ik nu denk, of hij verstopt zich op mijn harde schijf.
Ik heb wel deze (recente) set van Magda
18 October 2005
Zou het niet weten Paulus. Weet wel dat Paul kalkbrenner - Gebruenn Gebruenn, en dan met name het stuk met de vocals echt zooooo dik is!
Paul Bergenh.
18 October 2005
ik ben nog steeds op zoek naar de eerste plaat uit de set van Magda @ Minimize to Maximize tour Munich 5-21-2005
Paul Bergenh.
18 October 2005
nog eentje dan: Al Green - Let's stay Together
Paul Bergenh.
18 October 2005
haha, no probl chris
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